Monday, July 18, 2011

The Calm After The Storm

Today is strangely quiet.  This weekend was filled with tons of chaos, as my family came to "pack me up".  Maybe it wasn't was just me.  I have to say, my sis, brother-in-law, and mom are awesome.  I tend to shut down during these stressful times and they are always here to pick up the slack. Always.  I think Mom and sis were a bit annoyed as I travelled through "memory lane" with every single closet.   Aaron (BIL) wins the award on packing.  That man packed up half of my house, went to pick up boxes numerous times, looked after the children, and fed Sadie.  He is a superstar in my book.  It is a little humorous to see the multiple liquor store boxes in my garage..whiskey, beer, vodka -- you name it, it's in there.  The movers will certainly refer me to a program.

I haven't done much today. Just worked out, did a few loads of laundry, made the beds, fed my children. The important stuff.  I did read Ben his Compassion newsletter regarding Uganda.  We had a 30 minute discussion about the hardships that these people go through, how very lucky we are, and why it is important to sponsor these sweet children who are less fortunate.  I quizzed him afterward (that's just what I do) and he was able to answer everything quickly.  And then, he said "BACK TO THE SUNDAY COMICS!"  Um, ok.  All I can do is try.

Tomorrow, I will be more productive.  I really need to clean post pack-up, attempt to make a meal (in the microwave), go to the bank and post office and take the children to the pool.

P.S. I did make Greg some chocolate-covered strawberries and took them to the office. Not really a meal, but it took a little effort :)  Seriously, everytime I take Sadie up to his office she starts yelling "da da da da" when she sees him and loves on him for the few minutes she has.  He always throws her up in the air a few times and she is content upon the exit :)  She did say "mom" a couple of times this past week, so I'm hopeful, but, as I've said before, I'm not the "fun" parent. I'm the one who puts on the glasses, puts her in the standing frame, tries to help her crawl, does feeding therapy. NOT FUN. I totally get it :)  I wouldn't like me either.

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