Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Friday!

VBS just came to an end.  Ben and his friends had a great time, as did the children in the nursery. I love those children with all my heart.  They were all so well-behaved and followed the curriculum to the best of their ability :)  Speaking of well behaved, one of the teachers came out to my car today to tell me that Ben was such a great child -"mannerly, patient, giving" were the words she used.  I let him know how much I appreciated his behavior.

Last night we had a sleepover at our house.  This is one of Ben's good friends, Logan, and they have spent most of the week together.  See Sadie in the background? She was turning circles to the music :)

This weekend is a BIG one for us.  We are taking Ben to camp at Pine Cove.  I tell myself he will be fine, but cry every time a have to purchase an item. I'm wondering if I'm crying for all of the money we have to pay for camp or because I've never left him for that long...

The realtor is doing an open house on the same day. I hope it goes well!

Here is Sadie with her Daddy last night on the patio.  She loves him so much!

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